Winter, like Christmas, is best left to the month of December

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I don’t like complaining on my blog because I’m generally very happy and we have a lot of be thankful for. Therefore, I’m making a serious effort to keep the occasional grumblings to myself and out of cyberspace. But since today is the ever-notorious Monday and I feel like I haven’t seen the sun peek through a bleak, gray sky for at least 48-hours, I’m going to bend my own rules a little and say: This weather needs to end immediately. Every bone in my body is ice cold and at the risk of sounding like a brat, I’m over it. I think the worst part is knowing that the “end in sight” is a long ways off. There’s still nearly two more months of this miserable crap to put up with and I desperately miss sunlight. I’ve been cranky the past few days and I blame it almost entirely on the lack of Vitamin D because it is a serious mood killer. I’m not usually leaping for joy at the thought of a rainy, pastel-dreamworld spring, but this year I will be waiting impatiently with bells and whistles on for the first signs of a permanent defrost.

In the spirit of being thankful for and enjoying what I’ve got right now, I’m trying to think of all the things I love about this weather. My list is short, but its got to be better than just sitting inside and hating how cold it is. I love that I get plenty of snuggly-warm use out of the gorgeous green blanket my mom knitted for me for Christmas two years ago. I love warm drinks like hot tea, hot chocolate, and hot apple cider. I love the kind of snow that is so soft, light, and glittery that it absolutely glistens like diamonds under the house lights (if it must snow it might as well be the pretty glittery kind). I like bounding and stomping my snowboot footprints into a pure blanket of completely undisturbed snow. And I like being able to use the flame display on our electric fireplace heater because, let’s face it, an indoor fireplace fire when it isn’t even cold outside just doesn’t have the same effect.

I’m still considering crawling into the dryer for a quick spin on the keep-warm cycle, but at least I feel a little less dreary. I also spent most of last night wide awake because whatever combination of foods I downed this weekend rallied against me in a fit of protest and made me want to never eat again. I’m less nauseous now but still feeling pretty blah. With the exception of an electric blanket, I want nothing more than my husband to come home from work and to curl back up under the warm covers of our bed with Sancho, a giant hot calorie-laden Starbucks beverage, and seasons 1-7 of Gilmore Girls. That’s the kind of day it is today. The End.


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