Winter weather – it’s Christmas time in the city! Today we woke up to a 1-2″ dusting of snow. We’re expecting more this afternoon and evening and overnight we are supposed to have wind chills of zero degrees and 30-40 mph winds. I guess this makes up for all the white Christmases I missed in Texas. But after all these years, to me Christmas is 50-70 degree weather and delicious Mexican food beneath the endless Christmas lights on the Riverwalk of San Antonio. So, for all of my friends desperate for a holiday miracle of snow in the Lone Star state, allow me to share with you the ups and downs of a white winter.
The Good
The blanket of pure white undisturbed snow in our backyard and on the bare tree branches is so peaceful and beautiful. It’s a perfect view from the six windows in our bedroom! I am also really looking forward to sledding this year!
The Bad
Our porch is a sheet. of. ice. We’ll need to salt it as soon as we get home from Buffalo Wild Wings. We’ve been lucky that the snow hasn’t stuck to our driveway so far. And couple the cold, snowy weather with high winds and it’s just plain bitter and uncomfortable. Also, you’ll hate the mornings when it takes 20 minutes to scrape the ice off your windshield.
The Ugly
Toilet seats in the winter are so cold. It makes you question just how badly you thought you had to go to the bathroom and if it’s truly worth putting yourself through that. I know I cringe just thinking about it.
So today we finish watching the Packer game at Buffalo Wild Wings, we cover our windows in the kitchen with insulation film to try to keep the temperature up, and I’ll make some peppermint bark and work on stuffing and addressing our Christmas cards while Ted gets ready and organized for work tomorrow. Just another Sunday for us!
P.S. Yesterday was a very sad day in our household. Our “ring bearer” pumpkin and two other church pumpkins from our wedding died. They’ve been out on our front porch since we moved to Cincinnati – covered in leaves, snow and ice. Yesterday we decided to move them into the garage for the winter – after all, they looked healthy and strong still. Well, they were so soft all over that they almost couldn’t be lifted into the trash. RIP wedding pumpkins! Thank you for playing such a special part in our engagement and wedding!