Epic Fail Friday: Truck Edition

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Yesterday afternoon, for the very first time in our 3 years together, I drove Ted’s truck. Rather, I steered Ted’s truck. It was not on.

You see, when a Ford F-250 decides to crap out on you in the most convenient of places, a low clearance parking garage on the UC campus of course, and the towing company requires that, because of the size of the F-250, the truck must somehow make it out of the garage to be towed (even though the truck does not start, hence the need for towing), someone’s gotta steer the beast. Since I am surprisingly incapable of pushing a 7,000 + lb. truck on my own, I found myself – finally – in the driver’s seat of the beauty that I’ve been yearning to drive since we met. Unfavorable circumstances, true, but history was made nonetheless. It was an unexpected adventure of epic proportions.

In case you forgot where we live, we live in Cincinnati. Currently, Cincinnati is hotter than blazes and, on the off-chance you missed my prior bitching, Cincinnati is the San Francisco of the Midwest. It is extremely hilly – every road, all the time, just like a roller coaster. What does this mean for us? It means Ted pushed that 7,000 lb. truck uphill to get it out of the parking garage (with the eventual help of a kind friend) while I steered the sucker to the best of my abilities without power steering. It was a joy and a blessing, I assure you. Two hours later Truckie was safely towed to the Ford dealer, I got an amazing looking sunburn on my cheekbones, and Ted got the workout of a lifetime (again, my hero!). It had fail written all over it. But I had gone to work with Ted yesterday to help him out with some stuff since I had the day off (yes, I go to someone else’s job on my day off), so at least we were able to power through it together…and then spend the evening running all the errands I was unable to run in the first place.

This brings me to my second epic fail, which occurred while running errands. Apparently, the co-pay for the motion sickness patch is $24 – each. Talk about a huge kick in the pants when I was expecting a mere $7 co-pay, per the usual prescription. Even the co-pay for Ted’s insulin maxes out at $12. It was painful. I cried, then my bank account cried. And we were both miserable. You now what they say about assuming. My bad. But seriously, why is a lousy box of motion sickness patches so damn expensive? Whew.

Two total successes? I got my engagement and wedding rings back from being polished and re-dipped at the jewelers and they are so unbelievably gorgeous and sparkly. They look as wonderful as the day Ted gave them to me! I don’t even want to wear them because I can’t stand the thought of dirtying them again until our honeymoon. Getting my rings cleaned is one of my greatest pleasures for some silly reason. It brings me extreme, unreasonable happiness. And this morning as we were getting ready for work, we looked out the window and saw a mother deer, two baby deer and two bunnies just a few feet from our windows chowing on an early morning breakfast of weeds. They’re all such pretty creatures and to be able to observe them up close, all together in harmony, from the comfort of our bedroom is just awesome.  They make my day! Seeing stuff like this on a regular basis is one of the many reasons why I love our house so much!

Happy weekend everyone!

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