How to Smile on Sunday

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We have adopted a new tradition, just for us. Every Sunday morning Ted and I go to 8 o’clock mass at the little church down the street and then enjoy a leisurely breakfast of pastries and chai or breakfast sandwiches and bagels at Panera before the morning rush comes in. We eat tasty breakfast treats and talk and relax. It’s our Sunday morning tradition and a sweet way to start off the week together before the frenzy of a hurried schedule sets in.

Looking at my newly-wedded friends wedding pictures also brings a smile to my face. Recently, all of my friends have started getting married. We’re just at that age I guess! I love seeing their faces glowing in candid wedding shots posted to their Facebook wall by friends. It never fails to remind me of our own wedding and how amazing the weather was, how beautiful the autumn scenery was, how much fun the rehearsal dinner fish boil was, and how truly awesome and unique the entire Door County wedding weekend, surrounded by our beloved friends and family, was. Ted and I often dreamily comment how incredible and different and wonderful our weekend was. It’s nice to be reminded of it often and to see our own experience mirrored in the smiling faces of our newly-wedded friends.

I checked out Bristol Palin’s new book “Not Afraid of Life” at the library because I’m always up for a good, cozy read. I wouldn’t identify myself as a republican or a democrat. I simply vote for the candidate who best represents the issues I believe in. I see things I like and dislike in both political parties so in my estimation, there’s no sense in choosing sides or bashing the other party. The Palin family was adored by many but also picked up a lot of slack. I figured the book would be an interesting read and so far it has been. I’ve really enjoyed reading about what life is like growing up in Alaska (very cool, btw!), and seeing a side of the Palin family the media missed. I do wish Bristol had waited a few more years to write her memoir until her whole teen mom situation had mellowed out a bit, and her personal writer’s voice had developed more, and frankly, until she matured a touch because a good portion of each chapter so far has been spent whining about what a scumbag Levi is, or how rude Meghan McCain is, or how obnoxious her ex-uncle Mike is. It’s not without its flaws, but it also has its high points. But all in all, I’ve been really into the book – it’s a fun read regardless of your political preference, and that brings me joy.

Tonight is GoettaFest at Newport on the Levee! In case you’re wondering what the hell Goetta is (I know you are), it’s as Cincinnati as Skyline Chili. It’s a German breakfast sausage originally made by poor immigrants from ground beef and pork and rolled oats. At GoettaFest it is served plain, in nachos, in waffles and pancakes, on pizza, in stir fry, and fried as an ice cream topping –  just to name as few. I am simultaneously intrigued and disgusted. I haven’t tried it (yet) but I am looking forward to a uniquely Cincinnati experience. Regardless, Food. Festival. How can those two words not brighten up your Sunday?

What’s made you smile today?

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mom

    You made me smile today!!! Glad you and Ted are enjoying you months as newlyweds so much. Love you Bunches!!!

  2. Lara

    I love you mom!! The Goetta was delicious.

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