Ye Old Church Festival

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Once upon a time in a far away kingdom (Anderson Township, Cincinnati, Ohio) a pair of pretty little newlyweds decided to give up on clearing the two gigantic downed tree branches from their front yard with a sawsall (because that’s what a landlord is for) and went to their church festival on a lazy Sunday afternoon instead. The robin’s egg sky was cloudless and clear, and the gentle breeze and altogether absence of humidity seemed almost too good to be true. They walked the festival grounds and dined on spicy jalapeno poppers, roasted corn on the cob, snowcones oozing with sugary syrup, pulled pork sandwiches, and funnel cake topped with plenty of powdered sugar (you know, for the diabetic). They wandered past bingo and plinko stations, treasure chests for the kiddos, the auction tent, balloon animals, face painting, sand art, and spray on tattoo booths. They watched a pie eating contest and rubber duckie races and played ring toss, tic-tac-toe, and bouncy ball with the bouncy ball they bought with their meager festival ticket winnings. They noted the presence of a gambling tent and beer booth and decided that Catholics know how to have a legit festival. And they were happy. The End.

Welcome to summer.

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