I think it’s obvious that fall is my favorite season.
“What’s that you say? Is it?”
What gave it away? Ted’s pumpkin patch marriage proposal, the pumpkins that lined the church and served as the ring bearer in our wedding, the bonfire or pinecones or birch stumps or hot caramel apple cider or bushels of hay or pumpkin or leaves that decorated our October wedding, my oft carefree and likely maniacal prancing through freshly raked piles of red, yellow and orange leaves, the umpteen pictures I take of autumny things every single day? No, really…which one?
Chic scarves, tall boots, swirling leaves, bold hues, pumpkins, bonfires, corn mazes, crisp air, apple cider, mulled wine, spiced scents, leafy decorations, Halloween, Thanksgiving, homemade applesauce, glow sticks, ghost peep s’mores (yeah, you heard me)…I look forward to autumn for nine months every year.
The food is no exception.

Yeah, don’t tell me you weren’t drooling.
This sassy sampler from my Autumn Eats Pinterest Page (which you should totally click on right now, especially if you’re a foodie, fall fan, or just a glutton for punishment) didn’t even include my awesome homemade Texas chili, caramel apple cider cookies, fresh cinnamon applesauce, or epic pumpkin chocolate chip muffins that I adore so dearly.
You’re welcome.
We have a fall fest ladies day in the works…I’m thinking of bringing apple cider glazed pound cake and the pumpkin mac n’ cheese that was such a huge hit at last years fall fest party.
(Of course this isn’t my final consensus yet because what potluck would be complete without salted caramel pretzel park, chipotle-cinnamon-orange candied pecans, mulled stovetop apple cider, or an apple/craisin/walnut/yogurt cold salad?)
Do you have any favorite fall recipes? I’m always up for more, so share away friends!