The Other Soup of Fall

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Evidently I’ve been on a soup kick lately. But really, when it’s all blustery and colorful here, can you blame me?

Last night, on the heels of the delicious tomato soup I made earlier in the week, I tried my hand at this roasted cauliflower and aged white cheddar soup using the massive head of homegrown cauliflower I scooped up at the farmer’s market last weekend.

Another perfect fall soup! Though truth be told, it was actually really tasty even before I added the cheese and cream/milk. It was good with the cheese and milk too of course, but I think if you wanted a really healthy option (just roasted cauliflower, veggies, veggie broth, and seasoning), you could leave out the cheese and milk entirely and still have a great tasting roasted cauliflower soup! I think I’ll try it that way next time. :)

The only things I did differently from the recipe was to use light half and half instead of milk, and to add a few drops of liquid smoke at the end to give it a nice subtle hickory flavoring. I topped it with bacon crumbles, scallions, and a slice of sourdough bread. Totally delicious…another must try!

On an entirely unrelated note, I made this soup while “watching” (I use that term loosely) the show Little Shop of Gypsies on TLC (this is what happens when I unexpectedly wind up with cable for two months). The culture and lifestyle of the travelers/gypsies in England is absolutely fascinating! Crazy, completely different, a little wild, a little sad in some ways…but really fascinating!

Hope you have a great weekend!

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