All These Wonders and it’s Only Wednesday

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My computer’s still vacationing at Apple, but I thought I’d steal away on Ted’s computer (which is still limping along, remarkably, at the moment) to take a moment to share some of the things that are making me happiest this week! A little dose of sunshine never does any harm.

1. I’m eagerly anticipating an actual, real, live, WEEKEND OFF. I haven’t had a Saturday off in….months? In fact, I don’t even know when my last free Saturday was. And the last day I had two consecutive days off in a row was….????? And it’s my first day off, where I don’t have to do work of any kind – for any of my jobs, in over three weeks. Ted and I have a magnificent day of awesomeness planned. More on that later!

2. I smoked two auditions this week. As always, live theatre is an unpredictable business, so something may or may not come of it, but regardless of the outcome, it’s nice to be getting myself back out there and to feel good about it!

3. We caught Maverick out of her cave – that sneaky little cray! We were graced with the presence of five whole minutes of Maverick, in the flesh, strolling about her tank this morning! This is big. Girlfriend’s been feeling under the weather lately, first with the tank cycling fiasco and then with the dud craybie eggs and resulting nasty fungal infection, so she’s been camped out under her rock for the past three to five weeks. We know she must come out sometimes, likely at night when we’re asleep, but it was wonderful beyond words to really get to see her, all of her, up and at ’em and clambering laps around her plants again. She’s eating much better too. She’s just so cool!

4. Last night I had a delicious gourmet chocolate chunk cookie and Ted made me mac n’ cheese for dinner so I didn’t have to cook. He makes a mean boxed Kraft mac n’ cheese – magic touch? It was perfection. It’s the little things in life.

5. Lots of great opportunities have presented themselves lately! Doing my darndest to take advantage of them and hoping for some great things and good changes in the future. Fingers crossed.

6. Getting excited for the summer – I think it’s going to be a really fun one, for many reasons – the summer jobs I’m booking, the personal summer fun bucket list I’m compiling, and more. The more research I do and the more things that get scheduled, the more excited I get! Stay tuned for more on that as well.

7. We have a roof over our head, food on our table, jobs to go to, vehicles to get us there, good health, each other, a sweet cray, and great family and friends. Boy, are we ever lucky!

The husband of one of Ted’s work friends had a heart attack last night. While, thankfully, he’s expected to be okay, it really puts life into perspective. It’s been a busy few weeks, with lots of planning, and big decisions and opportunities, and fears and stresses, and that can get overwhelming and consuming. But really, life is pretty great because, as you can see from bullet #7, we’ve got all that we need to be happy in this life.

What are you happy about this week?

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. allyson west

    this sounds beautiful!
    i’m so excited about your happy life!
    i’m excited about my own exciting, happy life!

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