Buick Appreciation Day

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Today is Lara’s Buick Appreciation Day. In honor of this day, let’s all marvel at how brilliant my Buick is, shall we?

Anyone who knows me knows I have a major crush on my Buick. It’s gorgeous and is, quite simply, the best car ever made. Buicks get crap for being an “old person” car, but I’m pretty sure that’s just because everyone else is incredibly jealous of how sleek and roomy they are. I adore my Buick. I’ll go out of the way to park next to another Buick in a parking lot, and I can spot other Buicks on the interstate from hundreds of feet away. It’s a sick talent. While I think most Buicks are nice, mine takes the cake (obviously). I’ll give others a quick examining glance before declaring that mine’s prettier – and it is. Ted likes to rag on my Buick from time to time (read: daily), but I know deep down he loves it just as much as I do. And what’s not to love? Anyway, I’ll get to the point. Today Buick got a bath and if I had another twenty bucks to spare I’d be tempted to go through that car wash myself because that is one sparkly Buick sitting in front of our house! Buick was filthy – between the dirt from the cross-country trek up from Texas, dingy brown snow, salt, and Arkansas grime, this bath was long overdue. So I went to one of the nice places – you know, the real nice ones where the track takes it through all these crazy blasting machines and colored soaps while you watch through a tunnel with windows. I know if I were covered in Arkansas grime I’d want a monster cleaning too. Seriously – this place rocks. They vacuum every crevice, they scrub the interior, blast the salt from the underbody of the vehicle, polish all the windows, and apply a gloss coat of goodness over the whole shebang. I wish my shower could do that! Anyhow, please take a moment to appreciate a Buick near and dear to your heart today as you make a quick run to the bank, grocery store, or barber shop. When you see one, give it a quick pat and say Thank You for being hardworking and beautiful.

Today my goal is to find a way to use up all the food in our fridge before we leave for Green Bay. This includes fruit, a ridiculous amount of vegetables and some other random things like lamb, pumpkin, and cheese. I have little hope of finding one glop casserole recipe that could incorporate all these ingredients without sending our taste buds into a tizzy. So I might have to make two or three things tomorrow. I’d prefer to find something that freezes well. If not, It’s all coming to Green Bay with us because I can’t stand to waste food.

Still waiting on our pro pics to come in. Our photog said he mailed them last week and is surprised they’re not here yet. I may go ballistic if our post office was dumb again and returned them to sender like they did with our marriage certificates. Also still waiting for my medicine that I ordered over a month ago to arrive. I’m not thrilled about that either. Lately, I have little faith in or praise for the USPS. Which is sad because John, our mail carrier, is super nice.

Hope everyone has a productive and happy Monday.



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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mom

    I know of at least one Buick that is NOT beautiful ever since it got stuck in a hail storm in San Marcos, Texas. Functional still, yes. Beautiful, hardly!!!

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