I Cannot Help Myself

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Because I haven’t posted one lately, you had to know this was coming…

My Sancho is the sweetest, most handsome little boy in the whole entire galaxy!

Just look at that scrunchy little face snoozing!!!!


Gah!! I can hardly stand it!!

Why, oh why, are you in Texas sweet cat, whilst I waste away in Ohio without you!?

I’m sorry, but this outburst, though absurd, was truly absolutely necessary.

And long overdue.

Also (and on a totally unrelated note), do you know what these are?


Ye, we ordered cedar planks.

For the making of smokey cedar plank salmon. With candied walnuts.

Lent just got crazy delicious.

(I do realize that this has nothing to do with the true meaning or intention of Lent.)


(Click to enlarge)

I made this.

Because I’ve seen a million of these out there, on FaceBook, for every profession under the sun,

but nothing for what I and my colleagues do.

So I decided to take a cheap shot and make one.

I don’t have credit links for the images, sorry. I fail on that one.

But I do really love the last picture.

That’s me most nights, by the way. Ask Ted.

Because I guarantee every actor spends an inordinate amount of time in bed, up at all hours of the night, applying for jobs, updating resumes and cover letters, reading script after script after script, memorizing lines, doing character analysis, reading, studying, researching, and in general, working their tail off.

Plus it’s funny.

And glamorous red carpet appearances is exactly what my students think I do.

I’m not kidding. They really do.

(I do not, by the way.)

Le sigh.

And last but not least: Indulgence.

I forgot to mention that last weekend was “All You Can Eat Ribs” weekend at Montgomery Inn.

Look at who I married.

Ted – The Rib Master.

You know we were there. Early. With bells on. And bibs.

He stopped at two full racks.

I have no pictures, I’m sorry.

But it was kind of epic.

Also epic is the entire case of samoas girl scout cookies that somehow ended up in my car after the girl scouts held their 100th anniversary celebration at the museum center (my weekend job) on Saturday.

I have no idea how they got there.



I’m sharing a few with Ted. He’s sharing a few with me.

What can I say? Never did a more delicious cookie exist than the samoa. And that we can agree on.

Before you freak out, I intend for these to last us until next year.

Or at least until Tuesday.


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