Last Weekend

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…I went for two long winter walks – one was a few rainy, foggy, bone-chilling loops around the reservoir atop Cobb’s Hill that overlooks the whole city (where I happened to witness a really sweet marriage proposal!), and the other along the Erie Canal, where I paused often with a bag of wheat bread to feed the ducks and seagulls.

…Treated myself to a tasty, warm vanilla soy chai and a raspberry lemon cupcake at Starry Nites Cafe while I read a few scripts for work and admired the Christmas lights and raindrops outside.



…Bought an itchy, ugly Christmas sweater with Christmas ducks (I know!) on it for an Ugly Christmas Sweater Holiday Party at work next weekend. I’m pretty psyched to doctor it up with jingle bell earrings and a headpiece!

…Along my thrift store quest for the perfect ugly Christmas sweater, I also happened upon one of those beautiful poncho/capes in a pretty autumn-toned flannel pattern that are really in style right now and noticed that not only was it in near mint condition (likely only worn once or twice), but that it was super soft too. I inspected the tag and saw that it was 100% alpaca…for $7.99. So I took it. “Perfect for long walks on cold winter days,” I thought. On a hunch, I went online and looked up the company who made it and discovered that they are currently selling a similar 100% alpaca poncho….for $450. DEAL OF THE CENTURY is a rude understatement! That’s like 1.8% of its normal price. I am ludicrously proud of this!

…Reviewed our spreadsheet of moving boxes and items we have in storage and was horrified to discover that one of us apparently owns “dress shorts.” Dress shorts. There is a box with contents described as “dress shorts.” That’s an oxymoron in itself. A) Dress shorts should not exist…period and B) We most definitely should not own them! This will have to be remedied immediately.

…Saw a School of the Arts production of Peter Pan. I have a very fond affection for that show and was thrilled to spend 2.5 hours of my Sunday evening in Neverland. Undoubtedly my favorite part was when Peter flew (yup, they flew) onstage for curtain call and she (yes, she) threw a fist full of glittery fairy dust all over. It was lovely!

How was your weekend?

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