Realistic Treats and ‘I Wish’ Treats

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You know, sometimes after an excessively long and busy (yet wonderful) week at the theatre full of taking The Whipping Man workshops to multiple area schools three times a day for three days straight as an artist-educator, riveting student matinee performances and post-show talkbacks, and writing an epic discovery guide for A Midsummer Night’s Dream…you just need to not go running because it’s cold and rainy out, and instead pick up a bottle of wine, and plop yourself on the couch in front of Wife Swap with said wine, a bowl of beef with broccoli, and an entire angel food cake with a jar of Trader Joe’s lemon curd imported from England. And then when you’ve sufficiently slothed, you curl up in bed and read “The Great Gatsby” before falling asleep at 10 p.m. when that second glass of wine really hits you. You just gotta, sometimes. You know?

In other news, I now give you a few lovely things I would like for our new town home, if money were no object. So, in other words, a dream list, yes?:


{This handmade tree bark throw quilt for the footer of our bed. Make the quilt grey, carve in our initials, change the pink to green, double the size, and you’ve got a winner!}


{I truly believe this is the most beautiful bed frame I have ever laid eyes on.}


{We’ve been ogling these table lamps and matching floor lamp for well over a year now. Two table, one floor please!}


{This mirror. Awesome.}

Clearly, we’re into the woodsy look.

There’s more. Much more. Wanna see? Check it out on my Pinterest page here.

Happy Friday!

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