Run Around

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This has been one BUSY week for me! I’ve been updating cover letters and resumes and applying for jobs like a fiend, designing a 25-page study guide/teacher toolkit for the 2012-2013 education programs for the dance company I freelance with, filling out a book worth of contracts and miscellaneous paperwork in preparation for my summer gig, scheduling out my calendar for all my show, family/vacation, and job commitments for the summer, starting to plan for the choreography and scenes I’ll be directing, thinking about the selection of songs/monologues/scenes I’ll be performing and, of course, still working three jobs.

But the opportunities that are, opportunely, starting to crop up are super exciting, we’ve been getting free meals that I don’t have to cook every single night this week at the on-campus dining halls (some of Ted’s students trying desperately to get rid of hundreds of unused meal trade swipes before they expire next week….oh, college! I remember those days well. And now I am thankful to be on the receiving end of them.), and I have Monday off….a precious day off with which to go biking and swim in the pool and sleep in and sample tasty delicacies at the annual Taste of Cincinnati Festival!

I hope to have a more inspired and less mind-numbingly dull post for you in the coming days.

Meanwhile, what are your big plans for the three-day weekend?

P.S. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 100! In Cincinnati…in May. Texas, is that you? I don’t remember clicking my heels three times and chanting “there’s no place like home.”

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