The Benefits of Losing Your Mind

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Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself.

I’m a tidy, detail-oriented person – almost to a fault, but my great organizational lapse of 2011 takes the cake. Yesterday HR called to inform me that I had an outstanding paycheck from March that hadn’t been cashed yet.

Um, what? I apparently forgot to cash an entire paycheck you say? Oh, look at that. I sure did. There it is, all signed and ready to go, but somehow left un-cashed in my “old pay stubs” file. Yeah, no wonder our March finances seemed so tight and it felt like we had no money that month. How the actual cashing of this paycheck so we could…you know…eat, pay bills, and live got past me, I have no idea.

But what a pleasant surprise it is to get paid twice this week and suddenly have money to contribute to our budget that we definitely weren’t expecting. It’s like finding a neglected and forlorn twenty in your back pocket from three weeks ago, but 20 times better. A welcome treat indeed!

Maybe I should lose my mind more often.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jack

    I’m jealous. There’s some of us who have worked hard to get to that point. And here you’ve done it in far fewer years.

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