A Case of the Pre-Gobble Gobble Blahs

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You know what the problem is with finding a job (other than finding a temporary one that I like well enough to tide us over until I get a real job)? A) Real jobs with normal hours and respectable pay scales and fun/challenging/interesting duties are hard to find right now – especially in the arts. B) All the temporary positions require you to work nights, weekends and holidays. Now this wouldn’t be too much of a problem except that we plan to be out of town for Christmas and New Years (and unless I stay home alone in Cincy this Christmas, they aren’t going to be interested in hiring me), and my husband works the occasional nights and weekends. I don’t mind working whenever he’s working, but on the nights and weekends he’s not working I sure as hell don’t want to be working either. I’d like to see the guy sometimes. There’s a lot of things out there I can see myself being happy with for a few months – library, pet shop, bookstore, Crate & Barrel, ice cream & bakery parlor – but I’m not filled with joy when I read the job descriptions and I see the dreaded words “includes nights and weekends.” I know beggars can’t be choosers, and right now we’re definitely in the beggars line so I should probably shut my mouth and suck it up, but I’m also going to be really selfish here for a moment and say that I’m a newlywed and I don’t want to give up spending time with my husband when we have a chance to. I feel like the first few months of adjusting to married life, a new state, a new city, a new house, and all that crap that goes along with moving, renting, and changing names & residency is tough enough without adding not seeing each other ever to the list. So that’s where I’m at right now. I’ve put in a few arts job applications and haven’t heard a word, so I’m going to begin applying to whatever I can (already got he list of places made) starting early next week and keep up the theatre job apps as often as I can. Something is bound to come along….I hope.

It’s the day before Thanksgiving and my parents should be arriving within the next hour with all my stuff and my Buick (Buick! Beautiful Buick! Oh, how I’ve missed you!!). They had pretty decent driving weather the past two days but now that they’re in Cincy-Tucky land and we have to unload the beast there’s this nasty cold hard rain and ice droplet mixture going on. And it sucks. I’m not at all a fan of it. Though it does sound nice on the roof. Not so great for driving and unloading And it’s cold.

Starting today my goal is to relax – to spend the next 4 days not worrying about job hunting crap, not stressing out about the house, not cleaning or organizing everything (since it’s all done – yay! Just in time for my crap to arrive to organize…eventually. Like in late December or uh, January.) and just to relax and go out and do the fun things we’ve been wanting to do. Today we’ll unload the truck, do some cooking for tomorrow and then hopefully meet Ted at this super awesome steakhouse downtown right on the river between Ohio and Kentucky for dinner. Let the festivities begin!

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