Before & After

Pantry before: Tall, deep, and spacious but there was a lot of good vertical space being wasted and I hated how everything would get lost in the back, covered up, or rearranged every time something else needed to be pulled from the back.


Pantry after: Many thanks to Ted for being awesome and building and installing three extra half-depth shelves! :) The pictures are awful and I kind of can’t believe I’m blogging about a pantry, but I honestly love that I can keep it all organized and know exactly what we have and where to find it. Nice matching spice jars and a spice system of organization hopefully coming soon! It’s the little things in life, you know?



Produce before: I cannot get over how grateful I am to have access to such beautiful farm-fresh produce! This week at the market we picked up green beans, pickling cucumbers, shirow plumbs (a sweet blush mini plumb from the upstate NY area), sweet peaches, and blackberries – all homegrown and local.



Produce after: Gone :)

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